Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Argh. Tomorrow is my birthday.

Yea. Im here with my bad day. Wish to get a brand new day tomorrow. I want a present. I want ang-paw. I want everything. And the most important things is i want all to be done with joyful tomorrow. Tomorrow is the last day at home here in my hometown because on thursday i got to go. Yea im gong to k.l . Meet my big sister there and her little bum-bum and wont forget my step-daddy there. Bryan fernandaz. Wuhuuu! Getting more excited here

I dont get it why

It been a while since i keep on courage and be good with my self behavior to all people around me. I dont get it why mom keep nagging at me everyday. Why must me? Misplaced thing also me. Mischief things. Also me. Arghh im tired of all this bad ass. My sister treat me like nothing. Like im not someone exist. Am i? She should think what have i done to make all thing goes to complete on her. Her title and evertythibg. Why cant she be proud of all? She is just wonderful in every eye but people dont know how pain is it feel inside my ass. Im just tired. With my thyroid here in my neck i just cant control my self anymore. Why cant this feeling just fade away? *sign .

Friday, October 26, 2012

Tumblr-ing Now :)

done with Blog? then i;ll move on to tumblr. see you guys !

updating :)

Hii Guys.
Have been a long journey since i didnt catch-up what happen on blogger :)
friends blog. family blog and etc.
firstly. im thankful for this graceful life. oh how wonderful. i cant describe.
and hell ya, i'll done for my PMR exam. just about 2 weeks ago.
yea. maybe i dont believe it when they us to say its going to be easy as hell.
but its true. actually it is not as easy as hell yet, but still i can say it is easy enough
for me. stupidous.
okey sorry for my broken english. yet going to improve alot !
thanks for reading !

Friday, August 24, 2012


this year punya raya.

this 2012? raya is not that meriah for me. i dont know why.
might be because i lose my besties. 
might be i miss my late grandpa and grandma. :(
i dont know la whether sa pernah jumpa atuk atau nenek sa tu dulu
masa sa kecil2. tp minda sa ni langsung tdk igt cm mna rupa dorang.
sa tdk tau jauh di sudut hati sa ni, tahap rindu sa dgn dorang tinggi sgt.
bila sa p kasi bersih kuburan dorang time pagi raya, sayu betul hati sa.
tertanya2 juga sa kenapa dorang kasi tinggal sa begini awal? 
kenapa tuhan ambil dorang time sa masi perlukan dorang? 
oh tears. please dont flow. dear grand-parents. i miss both of you.
how i wish that both of your still here. :( 

its not too late.

i dont know. i should let him or just stay with him.
sa syg dia. tp ego dia buat sa rsa sakit hati dgn dia.
yea maybe dia sma cm ex sa dulu. dia bole bg apa
yg mungkin sa mau. tp kenapa mesti gaya dia sma
dgn gaya ex sa yg dulu. keras hati. degil. kuat
memaksa. pdai mengada-ada. pdaii mau ungkit kisah
lama untuk menang. oh whyyyyyyyy. cukup sedih okey
bila dia pun gtu. eya maybe sa ni jenis perempuan yg
sensetif. but sa tdk cm apa yg dia tdk suka. dia tdk
kena kong-kong.. thats why i let u do what u want even
benda tu sepatutnya tdk bole. sa rsa kejam juga la sikit
dgn perangai kau yg tdk mau kalah. yea maybe dulu mmg
salah sa sbb let someone who love me very much left me.
but now, i realize, i realize that someone who love me so much is
you. so i just dont wanna break your heart. but not that i wont
break your heart then sa pulak yg sakit hati when i dont have too.
sa tdk prnh mau sakit hati. yea maybe yes dulu time sa single
i feel free. tdk sakit hati. cuma sa rsa kesunyian ja la.
mmmm ....  when u read this syg. dont get mad okey?
and for those who read this. terima lah apa yg sa tulis ni sebagai
repekan. memang begini lah org bila terlampau stress .
Thank You :) Selamat Malam !